Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Sun Stop'r Kwik Cabana I Sun Tent

Boy, you should have seen the kids go crazy playing with this one last time.  Alas, it is today's item.

It has been posted on craigslist.  Hopefully someone will find this item as fun as we did.  Not necessary, but nice to have.

Item 9.

Phil and Teds Porta Crib.

This gem here is a Phil and Teds Porta Crib Pack and Play thingy.  You could deploy this on Everest.  This was awesome when we needed it.  Time for it to go.  This item was just listed on Portland Craigslist.  I am really trying to pass things on or donate, not throw away.  I really do have some good memories with this thing, I guess some bad ones also which seems to usually be the case.

Item 8.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Guitar Amplifier

This here is a crappy 10 watt Huntington amplifier that I got with an electric guitar I bought.  I do not really know how to play guitar.  I am a drummer however and can sorta play.  I have a band.  See my wife roll her eyes.  I have two other amps so I really don't need this one.  I will be passing it on to Juan DeShawn, legendary rock and roller.


My plan you see, is to continue to use my sisters amp, thank you M, and as soon as I get better, buy a giant huge brain melter amp.

Stay tuned.

Day 7, Item 7.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Step Baby Swing

It was so nice outside today, so rare in Portland.  We, me and the kids, spent the day outside playing in the backyard.  They told me they were done with this "baby" swing.  I oblige.

Note the awesome pine needles and general dirt.  I am, however, somewhat reflective in the loss of this item.  I can hear the good and the bad.  Them yelling at me to push them more.  Demanding snacks for the "snack tray".  Them begging for higher, crazier.  Allright.  I am sad to see the swing go.  Luckily we have a much more bad ass one hanging from the same tree.

Farewell baby swing and another piece of babyhood.

Day 6, Item 6.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kelty Tough Traveler Kid's Backpack Carrier

We bought this carrier when my daughter, Miss E, was born.  She is now 6.  We so disliked this one that we bought a much nicer Sherpani carrier when my son, Mr. T was born.  That's right...Mr. T.  I don't know if this one was ever used again.  I was able to sell the nicer one on craigslist and had the intention of selling this one until tonight.

It is old.  It is dirty.  It is shitty.  Hopefully somebody at the Goodwill will give it some love and be more forgiving than me.

I am even leaving the little chewed and drooled on little fish.  I know, super generous of me.

Walking is good for the kids anyway.

Day 5, Item 5.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sony, Sony, Dell oh my

When this Sony receiver broke I ran right out and replaced it.  That was 2004.  It was only sorta broken...worked intermittently.  I thought I would get around to fixing it, like I got around to skateboarding.  I don't even own a soldering iron and I am certainly not an electronics technician.

I threw in the ancient discman, I know it's not a walkman, and the dell mp3 player just for super electronic bonus.

Technology seems to produce a lot of waste.  Both materials and time.  I gotta get off this computer.

Day 4, Item 4.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Nash Blue and Bayou Skateboard

That's right.  A skateboard.

I am almost 36.  I don't know how to skate.  I thought I would learn with my kids.  Right.

This is so easy I can not understand why it hasn't happened sooner.  My wife will be sad this bit of humor in her life is gone.

I am going to sum up this ejection with a quote from a book.  The 100 Thing Challenge by Dave Bruno.

"I use stuff to bridge the space between who I am and who I think I'd like to be."

A skateboard.  Later Bro.

Day 3, Item 3.